
About Us

Collaborate. Innovate. Motivate

Our Vision

we see a world of opportunity where organizations embrace their humanness and diversity to inspire collaboration, innovation and rapid adaptation

Our Mission

we will enable the leaders needed now to inspire and nurture our magnificent future

We create a range of content on a host of topics related to adaptive leadership and agile ways of working. You will find video essays, opinion prices, models explained and practices explored.


We provide a range of coaching services for organizations who are planning, undergoing or recovering from ways of working transformations. Our coaches work at all levels of the organization. We support the whole enterprise, leadership and individual teams to bring out their best and accelerate you to the future of work.


We’ve teamed up with some excellent partner organizations to provide online and in-person training classes across a range of critical topics including leadership, people development, organizational design and ways of working.


Change is never easy. That's especially true for the kind required to meaningfully transform organizational ways of working and behaving. More Minds Better is here to support you. Whether through our education programs, knowledge sharing articles and videos or direct engagement for organizational and leadership coaching, you'll discover a range of choices to suit your needs.

We believe the most important step in your transformation is the very first one. Taking that first action requires some courage. Although it may seem easier to stay with the status quo, your organisation will not fulfil its true promise. So let's take some advice from David Bowie ...

Ch-ch-changes. Turn to face the strange

The Little Orange Crew

The Little Orange Crew is far more than just a logo to us. It embodies our vision for value creation in organizations. We see the future of work as collectives of small, self-organising teams who collaborate, take pride in their work and excel at adaptive innovation. We know that to enable these teams and propagate shared values and goals demands a new type of leadership. At More Minds Better we are working hard to deliver that vision and help organizations move forward to the opportunities it presents. Our plucky Little Orange Crew are there with us everyday pointing the way to the #futureofwork

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